Wednesday, 21 March 2012

world sparrow day

20th march is world sparrow day .are we really concerned about this bird. Very few people are aware about this day.We can make use of bird feeders and bird houses to help increase in their number.
In fact two house sparrows are now a regular guests in my balcony.My son is a regular visitor and keeps a track of how many times do they visit the balcony in a day.He is positive that the number will increase in a few days.

Monday, 5 March 2012


Welcome to  chirping sparrows club..  .We have started with  a project for conservation of House sparrow.But why House sparrow. Well ,as you know its a small little bird but thanks to modernisation and constructions going in cities ,we can hardly see this bird. My request to all reading this :To locate no. of house sparrow in your neighbourhood and report back here . If you cannot  find any ,  join  my project to spread awareness about sparrows and other small birds  on the verge of extinction.
Take care!