Sunday, 29 April 2012

Students of MGD Girls School participated in bookmark and poster making competition. The Theme was House Sparrow Conservation.Class 8th students made bookmarks and class 9th students made posters. The judges were Mr.Sajal (working for conservation of house sparrow) ,Mr.Harkirath Singh (an ornithologists)and Mrs.Meenakshi Rathore(excellent art teacher ) The efforts of the students was appreciated and judges had a tough time deciding the best posters and bookmarks.

Parents also supported students in this noble cause for conservation of house sparrow ,by appreciating their work.
House Sparrows in bird houses specially made for them.

Well it seems they have started making nests in these bird houses. These bird houses were installed as a part of our project for conservation of House Sparrow.
Welcome Sparrows!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

chirping sparrows: House Sparrow Conservation project

chirping sparrows: House Sparrow Conservation project: Hello !Happy to announce the launch of House Sparrow Conservation project in Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls School,Jaipur. Students and staf...

House Sparrow Conservation project

Hello !Happy to announce the launch of House Sparrow Conservation project in Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls School,Jaipur.
Students and staff Of MGD Girls school Jaipur organized a formal launch of the project House Sparrow Conservation  under the able guidance of Mr. Harshvardhan singh,an environmentalists.The students put up Bird Feeders,Fresh water,Bird Houses at strategic points in the sprawling campus to provide a safe haven to the chirping charmers.
with this project we aim to recruit and increase the number of birds in this breeding season.With the help of parents ,students and teachers we wish to increase the no. of house sparrows in different localities of Jaipur.

project launch photographs